Home Forums Software InstaDMG Patcher for the Office 2011 Installer

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    Your 14.1.3 Updater worked for me. Thanks again!

    This was on top of an SP1 Installer which I manually modified (preflight and postflight, $3’s added, launchctl lines commented).

    All that’s left is to get it to honor the Installer Choices. I generated one to get it to omit installing Messenger, Communicator and RDC (for which I did a separate install), but they got installed anyway.

    Tim Sutton

    [QUOTE][u]Quote by: Goldberg[/u][p]I got the 14.1.3 Updater working in InstaDMG. I used the Patch Office scripts found in the post. I tried several different combos of the patch and I’m not sure which combo worked. I posted my working 14.1.3 to my dropbox with the understanding that it won’t be up there forever.


    Good luck,


    Yes, quite a while back I posted a patcher that “works” for the updates past 14.1.0 in InstaDMG. The problem is, it works by simply disabling the command to check whether a component should be installed, and so *every* component will have its installer run. This means if you have an install without, for example, Outlook, running this patched updater will try to install Outlook, and you’ll have a half-functioning copy of Outlook when you probably didn’t want one at all. If you have only a default Office install in your environment, it may work OK, but there might still be some components that weren’t installed by default in the original.

    I moved away from bothering with the updates past SP1 and just left Munki for updating this. I assume at some point there will be an installer available with SP2 rolled in, we may or may not have the same issue patching it, and this process will repeat.

    Tim Sutton

    [QUOTE][u]Quote by: freepms[/u][p]I dropped the SP1 Installer on that patcher, then checked the postflight. The $3’s have not been added nor the launchctl load line commented out.[/p][/QUOTE]

    I’m not sure a working SP1 installer patcher was ever posted. MS changed their naming convention slightly for their component packages, so it must be modified. If you look at the script used by the original 14.0.0 installer patcher, and compare the two installers, you can see the difference in what needs to be modified.

    Remember, the patcher for the installer isn’t the same as the patcher for updates.


    [QUOTE][u]Quote by: bw38[/u][p][QUOTE][u]Quote by: Accord[/u][p]Sorry but I still cannot get the patches to go in for office 2011

    I used the version 4 of the patch installer and I have the volume license of office. It seems communicator patches goes through but not office. I can see there some changes in the office patches installer by going into show package.

    Any hints would be great

    FYI. Just trying to put 14.1 and 14.2 only.

    Thanks [/p][/QUOTE]
    Try to use the Office 2011 installer without SP1 included. And follow the guide in the wiki article here: http://www.osxdeployment.com/wiki/Office_2011

    Still having problems?[/p][/QUOTE]

    thank you. it is working now. i realize what i did wrong.


    [code]Quote by: Goldberg
    I got the 14.1.3 Updater working in InstaDMG. I used the Patch Office scripts found in the post. I tried several different combos of the patch and I’m not sure which combo worked. I posted my working 14.1.3 to my dropbox with the understanding that it won’t be up there forever.


    Good luck,


    Thanks Goldberg, your update works great

    My Communicator update 13.1.2 can be downloaded here http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6496412/Communicator%2013.1.2%20Update.dmg
    this now works fine for me



    Does anyone have a working Lync 14.0.1 updater or a recipe for modifying it so it will work?

    And, what does it take to get an InstallerChoices file to be honored?


    Report: Office for Mac 2011 [b]14.1.4[/b] works fine for me on making Snow Leopard(10J3210) and Lion(11C74) images after applying:

    Host Machine: Mac OS X Server 10.7.2
    InstaDMG svn:425




    Same here. Still trying to get the Lync update to work though. It’s frustrating how the original installer package works fine but the update doesn’t.


    I think I got Lync 14.0.1 to work. I say think because I’ve only tested it once but it worked fine.

    Needed to edit a few files inside the update mpkg:
    Right click the .mpkg, show package contents. Then, open the dist file in a text editor (I used TextWrangler). If you look around in there, you’ll see something that looks like [code]volumeOs1058OrHigher[/code]

    [code]return true;[/code]
    at the first line of that function.

    If you do a find search in the text editor, I edited the last two items found as such:

    [code]function volumeOs1058OrHigherTest() {
    return true;[/code]

    [code]function volumeOs1058OrHigher() {
    return true;[/code]

    Then I edited the file:
    Erase everything in it and replace it with:
    echo “$1/Applications/Microsoft Lync.app”[/code]

    Then I edited the file:

    In the file theres a section toward the bottom that reads:
    [code]process=Popen3([package_updatable_exe, mpkg_path, install_location, minVersion, maxVersion], False)
    if (status!=0):
    sys.exit(-1) [/code]

    Change that to

    [code]process=Popen3([package_updatable_exe, mpkg_path, install_location, minVersion, maxVersion], False)
    if (status!=0):
    sys.exit(0) [/code]

    Literally all you’re doing is changing “sys.exit(-1)” to “sys.exit(0)”

    Then I edited the file:

    Same as office_updatable.
    Change the following from:
    [code]process=Popen3([package_updatable_exe, package_path, install_dest, vrs._kMinVersion, vrs._kMaxVersion], False)
    if (status!=0):


    [code]process=Popen3([package_updatable_exe, package_path, install_dest, vrs._kMinVersion, vrs._kMaxVersion], False)
    if (status!=0):

    And that’s it. It got my update working at least. I recommend that you create a zip file backup because after it runs through instaDMG, a file called vrs.pyc gets created in under /Contents/Resources/vrs.pyc and I’m not sure what the file does. Hope that helps!

    EDIT: just realized, if you apply patchOffice2011_1410Update.app, it will modify everything else but the find_lync and distribution.dist file.


    The patches don’t seem to alter the 14.1.3, and 14.1.4 packages correctly – they seem to error out when the image is built – with an error in the preinstall script Outlook2011_all_quit.14.1.4.combo.pkg.

    I’ve taken the script from a patched 14.1.2 and use it in place of the scripts that are there by default, AND the version that is created when 14.1.3/4 are patched. This seems to result in the App successfully installing.

    I’m on 10.7.3 – so perhaps the OS changes something relative to the scripts, as the previous poster mentioned that 14.1.4 is patchable for him on 10.7.2



    Anyone had any success with SP2 yet?


    From what I’ve seen reported on e.g. the MacEnterprise list, I’d hold off on installing the recent SP2. Microsoft say they are ‘aware’ of problems with the installer, and with the upgrade process for the Outlook database.


    Wouldn’t that only be applicable though if you are upgrading to SP2? If it’s a clean install of Office 2011 which is then getting SP2, then it shouldn’t be a problem…I’d imagine.


    Microsoft have now pulled SP2 out of AutoUpdate: h**p://blog.officeformac.com/update-on-service-pack-2/
    They advise manual installs should be patched as follows (see end of thread): h**ps://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/discussion.html?id=4241
    I have not had time to test this fix btw.


    With the release of 14.2.1, can we be be expecting an update to the patch to work with this new update?

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