AFP548 Site News,Podcasts June 9, 2014 at 6:29 am

Episode Nine – Change the People

Pardon the break, we’re back with a long-ago recorded episode to give you all flashbacks to the MacIT conference, audibly. Hopefully the sound quality is passable, as it was recorded under less-than ideal conditions, but what an episode! We have Duncan McCracken, newly added to the advisory board of the MacIT conference, being prodded by Charles Edge (returning host and now former CTO of 318, Inc.) about Australian Rules ‘Football’ and animals down under. Originally titled ‘#@$% Off Nerds, This is Sportland’, we somehow skipped the need for an explicit tag.


And as the delay in the publishing of this episode might lead one to suspect, this may very well end season one. It’s been a great run, and my thanks to all of the participants and listeners for helping me entertain y’all up until now.
Special thanks indeed to Mike Boylan, Pepijn Bruienne, Charles Edge, Graham Gilbert, Luis Giraldo, Sam Keeley, Andrina Kelly, Michael Lynn, Ed Marczak, Seb Nash, Derick Okihara, Tim Perfitt, Jody Rodgers, Nate Walck, Joe Wollard,
and special SPECIAL thanks to audio help from Tim Sutton,
and most of all Aaron Lippincott

Hopefully we can get back into the racket at some point, or run some of the ‘missing’ episodes that were recorded but never saw the light of day, but for now let’s all enjoy the summer. Thanks again!


Allister Banks

Allister lives in Japan, has not read the Slack scroll back, and therefore has no idea what is going on.

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