Archive for June, 2005

Hopping on the Widget Bandwagon…

We’re all having fun with Dashboard widgets, right? If nothing else it’s a useful way to try and convince ourselves that we all need 30″ displays just for all the new informational widgets we have now…

So, just to keep up with all the rest, the new RSS widget

See, told you Dashboard was useful!

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Custom Weblog Tiger Server

I did some tweaking of our default OSX server weblog. The files were buried but I found them, if you would like to do this they can be found in:



Images are located in:

Stylesheets (CSS):

On your Tiger server.

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Redirect http to https

A quick overview of doing redirects from non-ssl to ssl websites.

Ed. Note: While you should be able to do this in the 10.4 web GUI, you were unable do this in earlier versions of OS X Server. That’s where this comes in handy, although this method should work for all version of OS X, or Apache on any system for that matter.

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Best practices: Mail

Everything you should need to know about the initial setup of Mail.

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Backup Solutions, Volume 2

Read the latest installment, outlining some of the best software choices, techniques and practices for backing up your Mac OS X Server.

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