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  • in reply to: 10.6.4 and Group Calendars? #378886

    Thanks, Joel. I don’t know why I didn’t Google that. :-/

    Applied dre’s patch and things seem to be working as before.

    Of course all of this begs the question what will be the supported way for setting this up. dre makes a good point about group calendars meaning different things to different people, but I think by far the most popular need is for group accounts to simply have their own principals (kinda like in 10.5 but so that it wouldn’t keep forgetting that calendaring’s been enabled for the group) and maybe just have that show up as a delegate automatically. But I’ll file a bug as well and maybe a feature request on how this could work.

    We’ve also tried the “dummy user” method, but there were some problems, for instance the web calendar doesn’t show delegates.

    Thanks again.


    The funny thing is Apple never said Address Book Server can be used for Shared Contacts:

    “incredibly easy to access and synchronize contacts across multiple computers and the devices you own.”

    … with the emphasis on *you*. 🙂

    But it’s ofcourse what everything thinks it should be.


    AB Server is the New iCal Server 🙁

    I couldn’t believe my eyes when I found out about this. There is no shared address book in AB Server. The only way to do it is to use the same account on all your clients. 🙁

    And btw, accessing AB Server contacts through the AddressBook Framework doesn’t work even though the AB Server Documentation clearly states that it should. 🙁

    in reply to: Is Bayesian filtering turned on? #368368

    Looks like Apple picked this one up as well:
    [url=]Automatically trained SpamAssassin databases are unused[/url]

    in reply to: Advertisments #368366

    Hi trampoline,
    You basically just have to edit the correspoding thml file in GL. For example, if you want an add after each article, you add something like this at the end of

    In our case, I wrote a JS function that randomly picks a banner from an array. Here’s the source:

    in reply to: Decrypting SSL #368019

    I actually managed to get ssldump to work! Ended up changing a few lines in the configure script (.so references to .dylib etc) and removing line 52 in base/pcap_snoop.c I remember installing it through darwinports but it segfaulted on startup.

    I compiled ssldump as a UB and built a pkg. Downloadable from my homepage:

    Haven’t tested it on Intel.

    in reply to: Simple Find and Replace script #367848

    I thought this was a really neat idea. While it’s probably possible to do this with AppleScript, it’s really the sort of thing that Bash scripting is perfect for. You can basically do something with the super-tool “find”, with it’s exec – parameter:
    [code]find someplace -exec dosomething {} \;[/code]
    But I got so excited that I wrote [url=]this little Bash script[/url]. I think it does what you had in mind. Allow me to demonstrate:
    [code]> Usage: [-sb] [-o owner:group] -d indir target replacement
    > touch test/a
    echo “testing” > b
    The principle is “replace [i]target[/i] in [i]directory[/i] -d with [i]replacement[/i]”. Let’s replace “test/a” with “b”:
    > ./ -d test/ a b
    *** Replacing “/Users/filipp/Documents/Code/test/a” > “/Users/filipp/Documents/Code/b”
    > cat test/a
    It can also replace search results with a symlink with the same name that points to “replacement” with the “-s” switch:
    [code]> ./ -s -d test/ a b
    > ls -l test/a
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 filipp filipp 30 Dec 17 01:41 test/a -> /Users/filipp/Documents/Code/b[/code]
    As a precaution, I added the ‘b’ switch that moves that search result to ‘filename.old’ before replacing (sc “backup”). Finally it’s also possible to set the ownership of the replaced file with -o username:groupname, like so:
    [code]> sudo ./ -o nobody:www -d test/ a b
    > ls -l test/a
    -rw-r–r– 1 nobody www 8 Dec 17 01:49 test/a[/code]
    The whole thing is recursive and you can use wildcards in queries. Can also replace directories with files or symlinks and vice versa. Handle with care! 😉

    in reply to: BUG in AFP548’s forum sw – sorting the wrong column #367659

    As it turns out, you were totally right – the sorting order was just mixed up. It was very confusing because the numbers often looked very similar.

    Anyways, I fixed it now. 🙂

    in reply to: Is Bayesian filtering turned on? #367650

    OK, some more observations on this most interesting topic:
    servu:~ root# system_profiler | grep “System Version”
    System Version: Mac OS X Server 10.4.6 (8I127)
    The server is definitely learning and /var/clamav/.spamassassin is never used:
    servu:~ root# ls -lh /var/clamav/.spamassassin/ /var/amavis/.spamassassin/
    total 31168
    -rw——- 1 clamav clamav 9M Nov 18 13:07 auto-whitelist
    -rw——- 1 clamav clamav 10K Nov 18 13:07 bayes_journal
    -rw——- 1 clamav clamav 2M Nov 18 12:54 bayes_seen
    -rw——- 1 clamav clamav 2M Nov 18 12:54 bayes_toks

    total 752
    -rw——- 1 clamav clamav 36K Jul 28 01:21 bayes_seen
    -rw——- 1 clamav clamav 340K Jul 28 01:21 bayes_toks

    However, a good portion of junk is still being caught and tagged:
    X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
    X-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-new at
    X-Spam-Status: Yes, hits=6.586 tagged_above=-999 required=3 tests=BAYES_50, DRUGS_ERECTILE, HELO_DYNAMIC_IPADDR, HTML_70_80, HTML_MESSAGE, MIME_QP_LONG_LINE
    X-Spam-Level: ******
    X-Spam-Flag: YES

    I’ll try the symlink tonight and report back.

    in reply to: Adding Jabber Gateways to 10.4 Server? #367642
    in reply to: Where do Forum-display related problems go ?? #367637

    Where do Forum-display related problems go ??
    I think this should be the right place.
    I can’t see smileys in the text, i only see the generative text.
    Hmm, are you sure it’s the case with *every* post? Because it’s possible that some posters have disabled the smiley conversion (“Text Mode”). Can you see this one? 🙂
    All the articles are double-spaced and its really hard to read.
    Yeah, I’ve noticed that too and it’s kind of annoying. Especially if you’re writing or reading a longer post. We’ll try and fix this.

    in reply to: Missing layout kills accounts #367636

    You’re absolutely right. In fact all themes except for Pro2, Professional, and Marine V1 are actually missing, so don’t use them!
    Will fix ASAP.

    in reply to: BUG in AFP548’s forum sw – sorting the wrong column #367635

    Indeed, the sorting seems to be totally crazy. If you look closer, it’s never actually really sorted by anything. The results just sort start off OK, but then at some point lose the ordering.
    Thanks for noticing!
    Will investigate…

    in reply to: – some critique #367614

    Hi Joel, thanks for your reply, greatly appreciated!
    Both have been approved and are published. 😀
    You’re right that it takes longer than it should, and that’s a bad thing. The main reason for this being our volunteer workforce. As the site has grown so have the actual jobs of the 5 admins that run the site. Two of us have had children in the last 12 mos. I’m on track for over 100k miles on American Airlines alone this year. And we’re a bit head down doing some Leopard prep for our respective employeers.
    It shouldn’t be that way, but right now it is.
    Yeah, the first one was published today. There’s actually a 9 page article I wrote on using iChat server with MSN that I couldn’t squeeze through the textarea (getting XML through that thing is like pulling teeth) so I just exported it as PDF and sent a link to Josh asking if it would be possible to post it somehow. I know, my bad. 🙂
    We like to have a bit of a collective think on them. I have serious issues with the quality that goes through and it’s usefullness anymore. I really don’t want this site to be that. However, as I mentioned above, we are certainly much longer to post than we should be.
    I understand. I’m not crazy about the content either, but that’s besides the point. As a community, they seem to work smoothly. Even though they probably generate an order of magnitude more traffic than – 300k+ posts in the forum and no spam in sight.
    Geeklog uses the fcuk editor, but last time I looked it really didn’t play well with Safari. None of the admins here are very versed in php so it’s not been high on our list to graft in another edit.
    None of the WYSIWYG JavaScript editors support WebKit. FCKEditor is actually the first one to make strides in that direction. However they work just fine with Camino or Firefox and if I was to choose between firing up another browser for 15 minutes or wrestling for hours with a text area, then I’d choose the former. And if an author’s still adamant about using Safari, they can still use a text area.
    I’ve done a fair bit of web development so I think I could help out in this area.
    We manually remove about 50-100 forum spam a day. With another 300-500 caught be the spam filters.
    It’s not good enough!! 🙂 We’ll just have to look at this problem more closely. This one is the reason I said “MOST of the problems could be fixed in less than a day”!
    I’ll drop you an e-mail, happy for the help.
    Great, thanks!
    I don’t think any of us have much of an IRC habit… In fact I’ve never used IRC in my life. Not that we’re against it, just something we don’t do.
    Of-course, I don’t know everybody here (or anyone for that matter) but speaking for myself, I’ve had plenty of situations when a realtime venue would’ve been invaluable. Anyways, you have a channel now, whether You like it or not. 😉 I actually tried this once with the macos-x-server mailinglist and it died pretty quickly, but who knows maybe it’ll catch on this time…

    in reply to: Log parsing #367604

    So kind of like a grep/awk primer focusing on practical things you can do with them on OS X server. I like that idea. I’ve been doing quite a bit of this lately (not just for server) so if I have time, I’ll try and put something together.

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