We’ve been using the “/principals/wikis/wikiname/” URL “trick” for providing group calendars to iCal 4.x users.
This seemed to work pretty well until the 10.6.4 client update. Now we get the following error from about 3 different servers:
[quote]”The calendar https://pretendco.com/principals/__uids__/a929a91c-9d7e-584f-a310-7bc4afae402a/ was not found on the server.
Make sure the URL is correct.”[/quote]
This error is always presented twice, clicking OK just leaves iCal with an endless spinner next to the group’s name in the iCal sidebar.
The GUID, I’m *guessing* is the GUID of the wiki “group” in question.
Most of the time, iCal will just keep working after acknowledging the errors.
Sometimes it will crash right after okaying the second dialog.
First I thought this would go away after updating server to 10.6.4. No such luck.
Same problem between different servers and clients. Both 10.6.3 and 10.6.4 servers. The only common denominator seems to be 10.6.4 client (iCal 4.0.3/1388)
Is anyone else seeing this? It makes me wonder if using the /principals/wikis/wikiname/ URL is any longer safe since it’s never been documented by Apple. In which case it would be really nice to find an alternate method to:
* provide R/W access to a list of calendars to all the members of a group
* …while being able to also access the calendars through the web interface.
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