I’m running into the same problem. I’ve tried rebooting, re-downloading the Lion installer app, re-checking out the InstaDMG svn, making sure that the build numbers are the same and still can’t get this to work. I can build a Mountain Lion ASR using InstaDMG and the InstallESD.dmg but not Lion.
Here’s my error message:
Finding the Installer disc for 10.7_vanilla
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “./instaUp2Date.py”, line 716, in <module>
File “./instaUp2Date.py”, line 678, in main
foundInstallerDiscs = findInstallerDisc.findInstallerDisc(allowedBuilds=thisController.installerDiscBuilds)
File “/Users/chase/InstaDMG/AddOns/InstaUp2Date/Resources/findInstallerDisc.py”, line 201, in findInstallerDisc
raise commonExceptions.FileNotFoundException(‘Unable to find OS Installer disc in any provided folder: %s%s’ % (str(searchItems), folderString))
Resources.commonExceptions.FileNotFoundException: Unable to find OS Installer disc in any provided folder: [‘/Users/chase/InstaDMG/InstallerFiles/InstallerDiscs’, ‘/Users/chase/InstaDMG/InstallerFiles/BaseOS’] ([‘.svn’, ‘InstallESD.dmg’], [‘.svn’])