Archive for category: Articles

Installing blojsom with Open Directory Authentication

You may have heard about the upcoming integration of theblojsom blog server in Tiger Server when it comes out.
I really like blojsom, and have been running it for a while now. It is far easier to administer for multi-user and multi-blog setups than anything else I’ve experimented with, and offers some awesome features.

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Configuring/Implementing diskspacemonitor on OS X Server

Learn more about configuring diskspacemonitor in the second of our series of articles.

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An Introduction to diskspacemonitor on OS X Server

Running out of space on OS X is bad, like real bad.

Read on to find out more about the built-in facilities that will prevent you from running out of space.

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Updated Spam/Virus controls for OS X Server

These instructions have been successfully followed and tested on the following OSXS Versions

10.2.6, 10.2.8, 10.3.0, 10.3.4, 10.3.5, 10.3.6, 10.3.7, 10.4-DEV

With so many Articles out there, it’s hard to find one that contains all of the instructions required to do an install without problems so I have put this together in the hopes that it makes the installation as easy and painless as possible.

This is an updated version of Joel's Article and was used as the starting point for what I hope includes all of the required installation instructions and related information.

Updated 12/20/2004

The use of fink to install modules and libraries has not been considered due the non-canonical locations that software is stored.

These instructions work if they are followed as described, the author warrants no merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and is not meant to be educational material for those who do not understand the instructions as they are provided.

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Squid Server using LDAP authentication

Add more control to your Squid proxy server by adding LDAP authentication

Using plugable authentication modules and Open Directory you can easily limit who is able to surf the web.

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Disk Quota Reporting with PHP

I’ve had a few issues with disk quotas recently on my OS X Server file servers, and I needed to come up with a way for my student assistants to be able to view disk quota values for my staff so that they could easily tell who was over or approaching their quota.

Read on for a way to monitor disk quotas in a web browser…

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Per User spam settings with Amavis

Allow each of your users to have unique spam settings using Amavis and LDAP.

With a little bit of work you can allow each user to customize their SpamAssassin tag and kill scores using either their LDAP user records, or just by hand-editing the amavisd.conf config file.

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Running MRBS on Mac OS X with LDAP Authentication

Who needs Exchange? With MRBS you can do your resource scheduling for less.

A walk-through of how to set up and configure an interesting open source meeting room, or other resource, web-based scheduling solution.

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Compiling PHP4, PHP5, or GD on Mac OS X

Updated PHP and GD install instruction

Dale Walsh has submitted updated installation info which includes PHP5 and a more informative gd_info() routine.

UPDATED 12/05/2004

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Disk Imaging for Mac OS X Server

Learn how to image a virgin install of OS X Server.

If you are looking to roll out a number of server installs from a disk image, or you just want to be able to roll-back your test server quickly, read on.

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