HOWTO: Mac OS X BSDP Service using a GNU/Linux Server
This article describes how to setup a Linux machine to provide BSDP services to Apple Macintosh machines.
Read on for the whole recipe…
Author: Jeff McCune ([email protected])
If you have any questions or comments about this article, please feel free to email me.
- Licensing costs.
- Control.
- Scalability.
- Automation.
Related Information
- Apple NetBoot and Network Install Website
- Apple Network Install Technology Brief
- Mike Bombich’s NetBoot Information
- NetRestore Helper Application
- The Apple Boot Process
- Apple’s bootpd BSDP Server in Mac OS X Server
This is a private network, so you should have total control. Here’s what works for me.
- Create NetRestore images with NetRestore Helper .
- Install CentOS as the Linux server.
- Install ISC-DHCP server. Handles BSDP and DHCP.
- Install TFTP server. Handles kernel image and drivers.
- Configure NFS server. Handles root file system and scripts.
- Configure HTTP server. Alternative to NFS.
- Configure DNS server. It’s always a good idea to have working, reversible DNS.
Network Configuration
We’re assuming the linux gateway dual-homed server is located at:
- Internal Interface. eth1, IP:, netmask:
- External Interface. eth0, IP: DHCP
Please see the Additional Resources section at the bottom for firewall rules that route traffic via NAT from the private network to the public one.
Installing the Software
First, install CentOS on an old PC. Installing CentOS is beyond the scope of this document.
Note, installing these packages will not enable any of the services they provide, so it’s safe to install the software here without worrying about breaking anything.
Install a DHCP Server
yum -y install dhcp
Install a HTTP Server:
yum -y install lighttpd
Install a TFTP server:
yum -y install tftp-server
Install a DNS server:
yum -y install dnsmasq
Configuring ISC DHCP to handle BSDP requests.
Here’s how we configure ISC DHCP to service Apple BSDP requests. This should work with BSDP requests coming from OpenFirmware and Intel EFI.
First, tell dhcpd to start only on the internal interface. We don’t want to hijack an existing DHCP server on the public LAN.
- # /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd
Enable DHCP startup on boot:
- chkconfig –level 2345 dhcpd on
NOTE: Many thanks to Christopher J. Suleski for emailing me a working ISC DHCP configuration for Intel machines. Without his efforts, this information wouldn’t be available.
Sample /etc/dhcpd.conf:
# JJM ISC DHCP Configuration, providing BSDP Service to Apple Hardware.
# 2006-12-05
ddns-update-style none;
ddns-updates off;
ignore client-updates;
allow booting;
class “AppleNBI-i386” {
match if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 14) = “AAPLBSDPC/i386”;
option dhcp-parameter-request-list 1,3,17,43,60;
if (option dhcp-message-type = 1) { option vendor-class-identifier “AAPLBSDPC/i386”; }
if (option dhcp-message-type = 1) { option vendor-encapsulated-options 08:04:81:00:00:67; }
# The Apple Boot Loader binary image. This file will in turn TFTP the kernel image and extension cache.
filename “macnbi-i386/booter”;
## JJM Root FS DMG on HTTP Server:
# option root-path “”;
## JJm Root FS DMG on NFS Server.
# (Note the placement of the second “:” This indicates where /var/netboot is mounted on each client.
# The Resources folder should be in the folder indicated by the :, /nbi in this instance.
# option root-path “nfs:”;
## NOTE: Try to keep the root path as short as possible. I copy the DMG files to /nbi and export that folder.
option root-path “nfs:”;
class “AppleNBI-ppc” {
match if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 13) = “AAPLBSDPC/ppc”;
option dhcp-parameter-request-list 1,3,6,12,15,17,43,53,54,60;
# The Apple Boot Loader binary image. This file will in turn TFTP the kernel image and extension cache.
filename “macnbi-ppc/booter”;
option vendor-class-identifier “AAPLBSDPC”;
if (option dhcp-message-type = 1) {
option vendor-encapsulated-options 08:04:81:00:00:09;
elsif (option dhcp-message-type = 8) {
option vendor-encapsulated-options 01:01:02:08:04:81:00:00:09;
else {
option vendor-encapsulated-options 00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07;
## JJM Root FS DMG on HTTP Server:
# option root-path “”;
## JJm Root FS DMG on NFS Server.
# (Note the placement of the second “:” This indicates where /var/netboot is mounted on each client.
# The Resources folder should be in the folder indicated by the :, /nbi in this instance.
# option root-path “nfs:”;
## NOTE: Try to keep the root path as short as possible. I copy the DMG files to /nbi and export that folder.
option root-path “nfs:”;
subnet netmask {
pool {
default-lease-time 7200; # 2 hours
max-lease-time 86400; # 1 day
option domain-name “”;
option routers;
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option domain-name-servers;
option time-offset -18000; # EST
allow unknown-clients;
Start the DHCP server:
/etc/init.d/dhcpd stop
/etc/init.d/dhcpd start
TFTP Server Configuration
We need to serve the kernel image to the client firmware.
Enable TFTP Services:
chkconfig –level 2345 tftp on
Copy the booter into place. Obtain the bootloader and kernel files from the NetBoot-Install image you created with NetRestore Helper, or by generating them yourself. My /tftpboot looks like this:
[root@nbi ~]# find /tftpboot/ -type f
Restart the TFTP server:
/etc/init.d/xinetd restart
You can test TFTP transfers using a tftp client:
yum install tftp
tftp localhost
get /macnbi-ppc/booter
Lighttpd NetBoot Configuration
We need an HTTP server to provide our root file system over the network. It will also server the image we clone to the client hard disk.
Note: you may skip the setup of an HTTP server if you plan to only use NFS.
# /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
# Add / Uncomment
server.modules = ( “mod_alias”, “mod_access”, “mod_accesslog” )
alias.url = ( “/Netboot/” => “/disk/0/NetBoot/” )
server.dir-listing = “enable”
The “*.nbi” folders created with NetRestore Helper should be copied to /disk/0/NetBoot/NetBootSP0/
Enable lighttpd startup:
chkconfig –level 2345 lighttpd on
Restart lighttpd:
/etc/init.d/lighttpd restart
NFS Server
NOTE: NFS works with an unpatched ISC DHCP server, but you must keep the root-path option string as short as possible. There’s an option length limit. I’m not sure of the exact value, but it’s enough to be annoying. This is why the ISC patch is necessary in some cases, which you may have seen floating around the web.
I prefer NFS over HTTP, since it allows the client to easily mount the Resources directory of the NetBoot server. This emulates the behavior of a standard Mac OS X server, and the option to mount the server’s file system is a single checkbox in NetRestore Helper.
My /etc/exports looks like this:
# NFS Export the NetBoot Folder
# Shorten the path string we need to send over DHCP.
Restart the NFS Services:
/etc/init.d/nfs restart
/etc/init.d/nfslock restart
Configure NFS to start on boot:
chkconfig –level 2345 nfs on
chkconfig –level 2345 nfslock on
In order to use NFS between the NBI clients and server, you must modify the DHCP configuration to inform the clients NFS is used instead of HTTP.
Modify the root-path class option to use NFS instead of HTTP:
# /etc/dhcpd.conf
# Example for PowerPC:
option root-path “nfs:”;
# Example for i386:
option root-path “nfs:”;
Important: Note the placement of the second “:” in the root-path option for NFS. This indicates what is mounted onto /var/netboot on each client. This helps us access the Resources folder on each client. I strongly recommend keeping data inside the Resources folder as a working copy of some revision control system… CVS, Subversion, Bazaar, etc…
Test NetBoot
At this point, all the services required to boot a Mac OS X workstation from the network are installed and configured.
- Plug the mac into the private network switch.
- Power it on and hold the Option key.
- Press N to search the network for a netboot server.
- Monitor the server logs with
tail -n 100 -f /var/log/messages - Try and boot from the network.
- Bring up a terminal Command T once NetRestore Helper starts up.
DNS Service
We need to turn off DHCP support in dnsmasq:
In /etc/dnsmasq.conf:
Generate host entries for DNS. These hosts will look like
perl -e ‘for ($x=100;$x >> /etc/hosts
Testing Forward DNS:
dig dhcp107 @
You should get back:
; > DiG 9.2.4 > dhcp107 @
; (1 server found)
;; global options: printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;dhcp107. IN A
dhcp107. 0 IN A
;; Query time: 7 msec
;; WHEN: Tue Dec 5 21:08:13 2006
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 41
Testing Reverse DNS:
dig -x @
You should get back:
; > DiG 9.2.4 > -x @
; (1 server found)
;; global options: printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;; Query time: 6 msec
;; WHEN: Tue Dec 5 21:06:17 2006
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 82
Additional Resources
NAT Firewall:
I use this bash script to route traffic from DHCP clients on the private network to the external network, using the linux server as a router gateway:
- #!/bin/bash
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -m state –state NEW,INVALID -j DROP
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
This technique worked brilliantly until net restore got out of the game. Has anyone found an alternative for the linux server? Deploy studio doesn’t appear to be an option, whilst NetRestore just well, worked! Anyone moved to ASR?