Yes, it’s here! With new features including remote Spotlight searches, remote drag and drop, shared clipboards, curtain mode, Automator actions, a task server and smart computer lists there’s a veritable feast of stuff to get excited about. Check out the new Apple Remote Desktop page.
I love the shared clipboards, curtain feature, and dragging & dropping files between screens to copy them.
How about the widget…. I can’t get mine to show any lists. Have to type the
host every time….
Any ideas anyone?
I have to say that I LOVE ARD! So far, the upgrade process and added
functionality of ARD3 has been rock solid. But one thing troubles me…
I would like to take a file(s) and copy it to a bunch of computers. If the
computer is not on the network, asleep, or off, the task should be held until
the computer in question becomes available to ARD. Why can I do this with
package installs but not file copy??! Why isn’t there a "Task Server" option in
the file copy window? Making a package out of a single PDF file (so it could be
added to a Task Server) would be quite overboard…
My guess is that Apple wants a bill of materials and the receipt so that they know
the files were really installed and that they’re not just overwriting files at your
whim. Each package contains a BOM and Mac OS X keeps receipts for each
package installed (unless you clear out the receipts directory manually).
Morgan Aldridge
You can always just make your own pkg to copy a file. You can make a
payloadless pkg to deliver a shell script at a scripted time as well. It’s a blast to
the past, but it works.
Breaking my server to save yours.
Josh Wisenbaker
I agree with you, I think we should submit this to Apple’s bug tracker https://
…been using it for a week and its sweet!