Home Forums OS X Server and Client Discussion Questions and Answers using kerberos to access and AFP share on a non-KDC server

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    I’ve got a mac os x server running 10.3.8 and clients running the same version of the client os. authentication happens through a combination of Kerberos and AD. note that the kerberos authorization does not happen via AD but through a separate KDC. i want the mac os x server to use the authority granted to the clients via the KDC to allow the clients to mount AFP shares from the mac os x server.

    how in the world do i do this?

    its been suggested that the first step is to add my mac os x server and services to the KDC (this would be done by the KDC admins). and the second part would be to configure the mac os x server to verify tickets and provide services.

    any thoughts…?



    i didn’t find much at that URL, but calling it “cross relm kerb auth” definitely pointed me in the right direction. here’s more on that from faq.org.



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