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    Hey folks, really enjoy your articles. I have a request for a newb article on setting up Panther Server in a low end environment. I currently administer, set up, and migrate Mac servers in school environments, but I would like to “experiment” on a test box. Calling up the WAN department is a nice feature at work, but what if I were to use a dynamic dns service (either allowing a router to make the connection or a client on the server) on a home environment? How should I set up the DNS and reverse records on the server, how would I create a mail server in that same environment? This would be a great thing for me to blow up without having to worry about customer down time, but I fear my DNS knowledge is at best lacking…if someone could give me a jump start I could perhaps have a tool to gain more knowledge 😀

    Thanks in advance!


    I finally got OS 10.2 Server setup on a DP 533 (dual 200gb HDs, software RAID 1, OS on the internal 40 GB drive). While I have “serverized” a 10.2 client with the Hornware tools, I have no idea what I am doing with 10.2 server. I’d like to have it setup so it will serve files to 2 PC (XP) clients, and my powerbook, host some websites (for fun off of my cable connection) and ultimately run VPN services so I can access my network from away from home. I need the list of global steps that I need to go through to get something like that setup. AFP548 is what inspired me to take this on… a great resource, keep up the good work!

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