Internal DNS Server (Joel knows why)
My SQL Basics. Really the basics. How to start it. How to change the root account and password and make it simple for your readers. Warn them not to use the MySQL Manager that Apple supplies as it does not work correctly. People everywhere write in forums about it and other users now warn them to leave it alone. I have tried several times to install phpMyadmin according to your articles and never had success. I have found out the hard way that MySQL and Apache on OS X Server is differs from installing it yourself like others on the OS X client. For example, all of the paths and files are installed in, for me, illogical places.
Apache on OS X Server also relies on a file called httpd_macosxserver.conf. The normal Apache httpd.conf is under many circumstances not editable due to other system overrrides. When readers go to forums and read up on this stuff, OS X Server users find out that it does not work quite that way because OS X server already has its own installation and has its own little quirks or differences.
I know many people who visit your web site here in Europe and they are simply overwhealmed and do not return very often. The people who really love to visit your site are the ones who want to learn this stuff. Your articles are written for advanced users and simple wannabes are left in the cold. If you catered a little more to the simple minds, your site would be one of the most visited for OS X Server.
Right now people are turning to because really competent users are helping the helpless. You guys are really really competent and it has showed as I have learned very much (even though I can’t get myPHPadmin to run) and I am not a *nix whiz at all.
I am a graphics professional who has been forced to jump into a *nix flavored OS and now that I have a taste for what it can do, look out. All I do is try, try, try and it is fun. Thanks to people like you. We wannabes have to go somewhere.
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