Articles by: andrina

Using Scripting to Change a Local Password

Running a large network of macs in a secure environment leads to regular password changes on the local administrator account. Doing this in a 10.3 environment is quite a simple endeavor, but for those with some older 10.2.x machines around, it can be quite frustrating. Read on for an expect script for running on 10.3.x and a bash script to be used on 10.2.x machines.

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Mouse-over Window Focus in a Terminal Window

From the Terminal, type:

defaults write FocusFollowsMouse -string YES

Quit and restart the Terminal and enjoy!

This change is only for your account – and is not machine wide – so if you’re using someone else’s machine with a networked home directory, this preference should follow you.

I know all you Linux/X11 users who are going to love this one! If you don’t like it, though, just re-do the command with NO at the end instead of YES.

If you want to use the same feature in the X11 interface, simply use the following line in the X11 command window:

defaults write wm_ffm true

To turn it off here, replace the true with false

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