Adobe,OS X November 14, 2012 at 12:00 am

Disabling updates in Acrobat X Pro

Many management systems now handle updates for Adobe products and as a result it is desired to disable the native update mechanism that they ship with.  One such product is Acrobat X Pro.  In the past, it has been a challenge to make sure that the Adobe updater was disabled in Acrobat X, but as of 10.1.4, they have added functionality to disable it.  Tim Sutton has a full writeup on how to disable updates using this new method and walks through the various methods that were originally used.  Check it out here.

Nate Walck

Nate is a Systems Reliability Engineer at Dropbox, Inc in San Francisco, CA. He runs along with Sam Keeley and is one of the founding members of the ##osx-server IRC channel on He loves being involved in the Mac Admin community and using Open Source projects whenever possible, especially Munki, The Luggage and Puppet.

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