Hey folks,
It's been a while since we InstaDMG-ers were at the forefront of people's minds, and it may seem like the whole IT landscape has changed. I wanted to briefly drop you a line with a few tidbits and subtle reminders. For one thing, did you know InstaDMG (and InstaUp2Date) is not just Lion-ready, but can now build images for (and on) Lion Server? New catalogs, downloads and revised docs are imminent, keep checking the instadmg.googlecode.com site and follow the @OSX_adm twitterbot (trendy!)
Also, please understand that while InstaDMG was a early star in the modular image creation revolution, which helped turn the spotlight on packages and powerful image-building, it's merely a tool that fits a need. Just because Greg Neagle developed and released a Lion upgrade package (which complements his work on Munki) doesn't mean it could be utilized with InstaDMG. Likewise, many have hoped InstaDMG could address certain needs involving the recovery partition Lion introduces, but please remember, that's just an additional, somewhat static partition.
So when looking over tools in your chest, old (like NetRestore, hallowed be its name) and new-ish (like DeployStudio, which can extract and lay down recovery partitions with aplomb), please remember that InstaDMG is still an effective hammer. Your problem may just not be a nail, and that's A-OK. Thanks for listening!
I, for one, very much dig this hammer! Thanks to all who continue to develop and maintain Insta stuff.
The product is great, and thank you all for your efforts. What is missing (IMHO always) is documentation.
Great work!
ACT 10.6, ACTC 10.6, ACTS DS, Deployment 10.6, ACMT
As a very old dog trying to learn new tricks (InstaDMG/Munki/DeployStudio), I still haven’t figured out how to wield the hammer…
Hey there,
One place to start, with InstaDMG in particular, is here:
Please remember, if you don’t ask questions(or PLUG stalk me on twitter, @sacrilicious is my handle) we can’t be of assistance!
Best of luck,