Migrating 10.5 iCal Server to 10.6 with group calendars
In Mac OS X 10.5 Server, user and group calendars were available in iCal server. User calendars worked pretty well, but group calendars were a bit of a kludge. The biggest mess was the web calendar. I’m glad to say a lot of this has been vastly improved in 10.6 server. Read on to find out about my migration journey and the numerous bumps in the road.
<code> <div>The configuration of the server is a single server configuration, running as an Open Directory Master, iCal Server, and Web. &nbsp;I don&rsquo;t think there would be many differences if the accounts were stored on another Open Directory server with the iCal server bound to it. The first thing I did was turn off iCal and web services, then restart and back up my Calendar files on the 10.5 server. &nbsp;The location of the Calendar data in 10.5 is in:</div><div><p>/Library/CalendarServer/Documents/calendars/__uids__/</p><p>To be safe, I backed up the entire CalendarServer folder to an external drive. &nbsp;Then I inserted the 10.6 Leopard server installation disk and did a remote install as my Xserve is headless. Firing up Server Admin on my 10.6.2 MacBook Pro, my Xserve showed up as awaiting installation. &nbsp;However, clicking on &ldquo;Install&rdquo; did not do anything. &nbsp;Doing a little investigation, I discovered that &ldquo;Server Assistant&rdquo; can be run directly from /System/Library/CoreServices/Server Assistant. &nbsp;Running it directly allowed me to complete my remote &ldquo;Upgrade&rdquo; install. &nbsp;</p><p>After the installation completed I was able to Apple Remote Desktop into my server to complete the setup. &nbsp;The 10.6 upgrade process worked well for my Open Directory Master, and Web and iCal user calendars. &nbsp;In fact, it was seamless. &nbsp;However, it did absolutely nothing to preserve my group calendars. &nbsp;</p><p><strong>Migrating the group calendars from 10.5 to 10.6&nbsp;</strong></p><p>Here&rsquo;s how I got my group calendars back, step by step. &nbsp;For clarity, we&rsquo;ll say we have a user John who belongs to the group &ldquo;Fiscal&rdquo;. &nbsp;In 10.5, there was a shared calendar for the &ldquo;Fiscal&rdquo; group.&nbsp;</p><p>1) Open a web browser to: http://yourhost/groups/</p><p>2) Log in as the user John.</p><p>3) If you see &ldquo;Fiscal&rdquo; in the Wikis list, then you had a Group Wiki setup in 10.5. If you don&rsquo;t see &ldquo;Fiscal&rdquo; skip ahead to step 5.</p><p>4) Logout as John, and login as a local administrator. The 10.6 upgrade doesn&rsquo;t give admin access to John on the wiki by default.&nbsp;</p><p>5) If you don&rsquo;t see &ldquo;Fiscal&rdquo;, click &ldquo;Create a new Wiki&rdquo;. &nbsp;Make sure to name it &ldquo;Fiscal&rdquo;, the same name as the group from 10.5. Choose a theme, and set permissions. For me, I made sure to set it as read/write only by the &ldquo;Fiscal&rdquo; group. &nbsp;I unchecked &ldquo;Send Email&rdquo;.&nbsp;</p><p>6) Click on &ldquo;Fiscal&rdquo; in the wiki list, and go to Admin functions &gt; Settings</p><p>7) Under the Services tab, make sure Calendar is enabled and hit save. &nbsp;Under permissions you can also set administrative rights and access rights here. (They will also apply to the web calendar).</p><p>8) In the Finder of the SERVER, while logged in as an administrator, navigate to /Library/CalendarServer/Documents/calendars/__uids__/wi/ki/</p><p>9) You should see a folder called wiki-fiscal (or wiki-nameofyourgroup). &nbsp;Into this folder, you will want to copy your calendar data from 10.5.</p><p><strong>10.5&rsquo;s calendar directory structure</strong></p><p>##/##/calendar -&gt; the main calendar data (1st group calendar in the list)</p><p>##/##/someUUID -&gt; other calendars</p><p>I had to do a little digging to determine which calendars were what, but if you &ldquo;quicklook&rdquo; the calendar data, it will tell you what event it is.</p><p>10) You should copy the calendar folder and numeric folders (eg: 7DB3354E-56BF-44D4-9949-B6F2B663E21B) directly into the wiki-yourgroup folder.&nbsp;</p><p>11) In Server Admin, click on your server, then under the File Sharing tab, click Volumes, and browse. Go to /Library/CalendarServer/Documents. The permissions for Documents should be _calendar read/write, _calendar read/write, others no access. &nbsp;Click on the gear and &ldquo;Propagate permissions&rdquo;.&nbsp;</p><p>12) In Server Admin, under iCal &gt; Settings, make sure Wiki Server is set to your Fully Qualified Domain Name! (mine was set to! This was making the web calendar not work (permissions errors).</p><p>13) Reboot.</p><p>14) Open a web browser to: http://yourhost/groups/</p><p>15) Login as John and click on the &ldquo;Fiscal&rdquo; group wiki, then click Calendar.&nbsp;</p><p>16) If everything went according to plan, your group calendars should now be there!</p><p><strong>Adding 10.6 group calendars to iCal.app</strong></p><p>In 10.5, the location of the group calendar was http://yourhost:8008/principals/groups/groupname/ (or 8443 if using https).&nbsp;</p><p>In 10.6, the location of the group calendar is http://yourhost:8008/pricipals/wikis/groupname/</p><p>Simply change the url and it should work.&nbsp;</p></div> </code>
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