There were some bugs in the first version of the "Mac OS X Server Open Directory Administration For Version 10.5 Leopard"
Check out the new version.
Open Directory Administration
Click to access Open_Directory_Admin_v10.5.pdf
Arek Dreyer has been an Apple Certified Trainer since 2002. Originally an expert in Sun Systems, Dreyer shifted his professional focus to Mac OS X shortly after it came out. President of Dreyer Network Consultants Inc., Arek has been delivering courses and providing training around the world, both in the classroom and at events like the Apple Channel Camp and the Macworld Conference and Expo. Dreyer also provides integration and troubleshooting services for his own customers and for Apple.
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Some other guides are revised as well:
Server Administration
Mail Service Administration
I didn’t notice the “Extending Your Wiki Server” guide until recently.
The link is incorrect; if you go this page [link: resources]
you will see the link to directory services manual is this :
Also new (some are already mentioned above, but here with link)
[link: Extending your Wiki]
[link: iCal Admin 2nd Edition]
[link: Mail service admin 2nd Edition]
[link: Network Services 2nd Edition]
[link: Server Admin 2nd edition]
Now we have to see what has changed. Who is first to report major changes?