Odds and Ends January 23, 2008 at 11:23 pm

Toronto OS X Integrators Birds of a Feather Gathering

Sponsored by IronGate Server Management & Consulting, in association with Digital Transitions the next OS X Integrators Birds of a Feather gathering is taking place at MaRS Discovery District on College St. at University Ave., Toronto, Canada on Wednesday February 6th from 7:00PM-9:00PM.

In this session Steve Hayman will be talking about the state of scripting in Mac OS X 10.5, including recent changes to Applescript, Automator, and other scripting tools. Among other things we'll show off some of the ways that scripting lets you extend Apple Remote Desktop to simplify some common tasks. Why wait for Apple to add the features you need when you can script many of them yourself? 

Registration and more details of the event are available on Apple's Seminar Website 


Andrina Kelly is responsible for anything and everything touched by, or connected to, a Mac at Bell Media, Canada's premiere multimedia company. You may recognize her name from the end credits of Canada's evening news broadcast. She has previously spoken at MacSysAdmin, JAMF National Users Conference, Apple's WWDC, Macworld IT conferences, Mac Networkers Retreat, and Canada MacExpo.

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