Articles August 30, 2007 at 7:38 pm

Creating an Adobe CS3 Installer with pkgGen

For those who have yet to create one, here is a introductory guide on how to create an Adobe CS3 .pkg installer ( in lieu of the slient install ) with little to no fuss, and more importantly no real manual interaction with all the associated files. I have modified a perl script from Geoff Franks that was created for parsing Microsoft Office update log files to now parse the output of logGen

I encourage the community to send back code additions and bug reports. 

Here is the link to the pkgGen Article on my companies blog

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  • I’ve been using LogGen for years, but this new system to parse the diff from LogGen is brilliant. Works real well. Taming CS3 and other apps with custom installers is very cool. I tested this method (as detailed on the blog linked) and you just made my day.


    Mat X – Mac VFX SysAdmin

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