This is an updated to my article/instructions for making "Check Spelling" work in SquirrelMail.
The old article is:
Check spelling in SquirrelMail on Mac OS X Server 10.3.9
Updated instructions:
Check spelling in SquirrelMail on Mac OS X Server 10.4.2
- Download ispell-3.3.02.tar.gz from
- Unpack the downloaded file. If you are using Safari, it might be automatically unpacked
- cd your_download_location/ispell-3.3.02
- cp local.h.macos local.h
- make all
- sudo make install
- sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/ispell /sbin/ispell
If you have not already done, use SquirrelMail’s to add plugin squirelspell
E-mail your comments/suggestions to [email protected]
I also posted these instructions at
I seem to be having an issue. Steps 1-4 work great and then I type "make all"
as instructed in Step 5 but I get an error:
-bash: make: command not found
Any suggestions?
Install the Developer Tools.
Changing the world, one server at a time.
Joel Rennich
This would have helped me so maybe it’ll help someone else…
Config file is here: /private/etc/squirrelmail/config/config.php
Add this to the bottom: $plugins[0] = ‘squirrelspell’;
Make sure you spell "squirrelspell" right. I copied and pasted it from "use
SquirrelMail’s to add plugin squirelspell" where it is spelled wrong…
drove me nuts trying to figure out what the problem was… although I’m a
Thanks for the article guys!
Where do I find the Developer Tools? Should they have come with my OS X Server disks or are they downloadable from the Apple Site?