Post Tagged with: "security"

Hipster Software Management

Hipster Software Management

Socially, Slack and Twitter are the two poles I gravitate between: Slack for when I’m hoping to be a burden on or distracted by our always-up-to-something community, and Twitter when I’m more in the mood to consume the echo chamber than reverberate sound out in to it. And then there’s […]

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Proactive Mac Security: Santa ?

Proactive Mac Security: Santa ?

For the next stop in our journey, we’ll review that jolly ol’ soul, Santa. It’s a system for either monitoring what apps are launched and blacklisting the ones you decide are bad, or locking down a macOS computer to only run the ones you’ve whitelisted. Despite what The Register seems […]

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Proactive Mac Security: osquery

Proactive Mac Security: osquery

There are two reputations(at least) that your faithful writer is hoping to shake: #1, I do not work for Google. #2, I am not the ‘osquery guy’. I don’t even know any C++! (I’m going to make time for this eventually, though.) However, for three events over the course of […]

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Stop Remediating While you Audit

Stop Remediating While you Audit

Let’s talk about orchestration. This term is different than just applying the normal set of configuration profiles you want near-permanently enforced on the workstations under your management. Too much theory isn’t necessarily helpful, but sometimes I come across something that feels right, and then experience validates it as a real, […]

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