WWDC June 7, 2012 at 10:30 am

First Round of AFP548 WWDC 2012 party tickets

Since we only have a limited number of tickets available for the WWDC 2012 AFP548.com party, we’ll make it a bit challenging.  Find and decode the secret code on the afp548.com home page, and send the answer to [email protected].  The first 10 responders with the correct answer will get an wrist band for free beers.

A couple of hints:

  1.  You don’t need to scour the source.  It is not that hard to find, and obvious when you do.

  2.  It is only on the full page, not the mobile one.

  3.  Don’t just send the secret code.  You have to decode it!

Crank up those decoder rings.

Timothy Perfitt

Timothy Perfitt is currently the head of Twocanoes Software, Inc, creator of iOS and Mac apps for the IT market. Prior to Twocanoes Software, he survived the collapse of the dot com era by jumping from Coolboard.com to Apple, Inc in 2001. He worked on the initial certification training materials for Mac OS X, worked in Education Sales, and then finished his time at Apple in 2012 working with Fortune 500 customers to integrate Macs and iOS devices into complex environments. He is a returned Peace Corps volunteer, serving in the Solomon Islands as a math and science teacher from 1991 to 1993.

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