
MySQL Manager

In the process of upgrading our Server to 10.2, we've discovered that Apple's MySQL Manager applet appears to have some serious flaws. First off, after using the application to install the support files and start the server, if you check the "Start MySQL server at system startup." box, SystemStarter will continually log errors in the system log after a startup. MySQL [b]does[n] get started, but the log file is repeatedly appended with errors: [code:1:4eb366e109]Sep 21 20:53:12 mrsgale SystemStarter: Unable to load localization strings for /System/Library/StartupItems/MySQL Sep 21 20:53:12 mrsgale SystemStarter: Waiting for MySQL [/code:1:4eb366e109] Further complicating matters, although MySQL is running and the [b]\s[b] command shows it working, other applications don't appear to be able to connect. Console also logs several errors. We were able to get MySQL to run and permit connections, but starting the database had to take place by hand. With luck, Apple will make the necessary corrections to get the database and MySQL Manager application to work; and add the ability to work with third-party installations.
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